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中美女主播辩论直播视频 刘欣沉着应战Trish

发布时间:2019-11-17来源: 编辑:

  而Trish反驳说,这些不仅仅是言论,而是来自世界贸易组织(WTO)的许多报告证实的。她说道,贸易必须建立在双方彼此信任的基础上。她反问刘欣:如果反过来,你们可以来开展贸易,但前提是你要共享自己几十年努力获得的技术成果,你怎么看?(What if we said: Sure, come on in. But here is the deal: you must share all those incredible technological advances that you've been working on, you get to share with us. Would that be OK?)


  (If it is through cooperation, through mutual learning, if you pay for the use of the IP high technolgy, I think it is absolutely fine. Why not? We all prosper.I learned English from my American teachers. I learned English because I have American friends.I think it is fine as long as it is not illegal. That's how we get better.)

  [推荐阅读:刘欣个人介绍 | Trish Regan个人介绍]

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  Trish表示刘欣提到了很重要的一点,即要对获得知识产权支付费用(You mention something pretty important, which is that you should pay for the acquisition of the high tech.)。为了保护知识产权,人们建立了一系列的规则,而想要彼此信任,人们就必须遵守这些规则。

  随后Trish将话题转向了中国发展问题,她表示中国作为世界第二大经济体,打算何时停止使用“发展中国家”的称号,并且停止向世界银行借钱?(At what point, will China decide abandon its "developing country" status? And stop borrowing from World Bank?)


  This kind of discussion is going on. And I've heard various discussions about this. Indeed, there are people talking about China already becoming so big. Why don't you just grow up? Basically, I think you said in your program as well. I think we want to grow up. We don't want to be dwarfed or poor or under-developed all the time. But it depends on how you define developing countries. If you look at China in overall size, the Chinese economy is very big. But don't forget we have 1.4 billion people. That is over 3 times the population of the US. If you devide the second-largest economy in the world, per capita GDP comes to less than one sixth of that in the US, and even less than some more developed countries in Europe. So you tell me where we should put ourselves. This is a very complicated issue, because like I said the per capita is very small, but the overall is very big. So we can do a lot of big things and people are looking upon us to do much more around the world.
